
Recent Outings

My latest venture has been two fold. First I have been recovering from a broken leg which required surgery. Two plates and eight screws were required to hold things into place. I had feared that I probably would not be able to hike again but I decided to try to overcome that fear. So I set a goal to try to hike the Bisti Badlands in New Mexico again. I exercised and trained for a year and a half to try to reach the physical stamina I needed to make a six mile round trip hike into the Bisti Badlands to photograph the pictures that you see below. I had to use walking poles to relieve some of the pressure from my leg but was pleased to make the full distance. I had hoped to make two trips into the Badlands but fatigue and pain were the winners in this case. I’m hoping for one more opportunity again this year year 2024.


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